If you're considering purchasing an EMR for your practice, here are 5 Advantages of AllScripts EMR. This cloud-based EMR offers a variety of features, including specialties integration, security, and more. This article will explain what all these features mean to you. Then, you'll know how to find the perfect solution for your practice. If you're not sure how to start, consider these tips:
Allscripts EMR offers a Wide Range of Features
One of the first things to consider when choosing an EMR system is how well the user interface is designed. Allscripts has designed its applications so that they closely mimic the workflow of a practice. Its software can also help you comply with HIPAA regulations and provides an easy way to review individual patient charts. The software is also easy to manage and allows you to break down patient charts into categories such as MD notes, documents, and workflows.
Allscripts is cloud-based, which means that you can share the same data with your entire organization. Allscripts' systems are upgraded simultaneously across all users, and you can scale the number of users without a problem. The platform is open and scalable, and you can connect devices to it quickly and easily. And because Allscripts owns the servers, you don't have to worry about security issues.
It Integrates with Specialty EHRs
AllScripts is an electronic health records company that provides EMR and EHR support to physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare organizations. Both terms are synonymous with the digital medical records, and many American and British clinical practices are referring to these systems as EHRs. The Allscripts EHR is a comprehensive suite of applications and resources that allow doctors to store, manage, and share patient information across practices and specialty areas.
Allscripts TouchWorks EHR is an e-prescribing and mobile application that includes 800 care guides and clinical decision support. The software is highly scalable and supports multispecialty organizations. In addition, its cloud-based platform makes it easy to scale. It also works well with specialty EHRs, such as mHealth. Allscripts also offers its own application store where developers can build custom applications for their clients.
It's Cloud-Based
Cloud-based technology allows for immediate application sharing. Upgrades occur simultaneously for all users. There is no need for the hospital to purchase its own servers, and sharing data is fast. The company's secure servers are managed by Microsoft, which makes it easy for hospitals to scale up and down as needed. Furthermore, with the company's focus on innovation, Allscripts is well positioned to meet provider needs and deliver a seamless patient experience.
Allscripts has partnered with Microsoft to further develop its cloud-based Sunrise EHR. Together, the two companies will develop a voice-enabled EHR and focus on delivering the Sunrise solution to health systems and hospitals. The partnership will also develop a new EHR for physician practices. Ultimately, the cloud-based system will help healthcare providers improve their services. But how will Allscripts stay ahead?
It's Secure
If you're a medical provider, you may be wondering if AllScripts EMR is secure. After all, the company told providers to plan for potential outages through Monday. The recovery process focuses on backups and data restoration. Even though some users are still unable to log in, the company says that the software is secure and backed up regularly. In a conference call with healthcare professionals Tuesday, Robyn Eckerling, Chief Privacy and Security Counsel for AllScripts, emphasized that the outage would be limited to the next 24 hours.
Final Verdict
A recent cyberattack crippled e-prescription login, regulatory reporting, and clinical decision report functionality in Allscripts. It also disrupted direct messaging and some Paypath applications. However, services returned on January 26. A Florida-based class-action lawsuit alleges that Allscripts could have better mitigated the attack. It is important to note that Allscripts has not admitted any wrongdoing but does acknowledge that it made errors, which harmed patients.
Click Here to Read More About: Why go for AllScripts EMR Software?